Information about the treatment of personal data

As per art. 13 D. lgs 196/2003 of the Privacy Act and as per art. 13 of the European Norm 679/2016 or GDPR

  1. Obligation


AGRITECH SRL IS actively engaged in the safeguarding of its customers’ personal data and of whoever entrust s us with these data. We recommend our customers to read present information carefully before subscribing one of our services.

  1. Data controller

The data controller is AGRITECH SRL with registered office in Viale delle Rimembranze 7 – 25012 Calvisano (BS) Italy, P. IVA IT01532340989, Fiscal Code 01482170204 (hereinafter “Controller”) represented byMr. Floriano Zappettini.

The updated list of the responsible and the persons in charge of the treatment is kept in the registered office of the data controller.

  1. Object of the Treatment

The Controller treats personal identification data (for example: Name, Surname, Registered Office, Address, Telephone Numbers, Email addresses, bank and payment references) hereinafter “personal data” or simply “data” supplied by You upon closing a contract for the supply of services by the Controller.

  1. Aim of the Treatment

Your personal data are treated:

  1. Without your explicit consent (art. 24 comma a.) , b), c) Privacy Act and art. 6 comma b), e) GDPR) for following service purposes:
  1. Closing contracts for the services supplied by the Controller;
  2. Fulfill pre-contractual obligations, contractual obligations and fiscal obligations deriving from the established relations with You;
  3. Fulfill law obligations, obligations of rules, EU norms or public authority obligations (like for example anti-money laundering legislations);
  4. To exercise rights of the Controller; for example: the right of defence in court;
  1. Only upon your explicit and clear consent (art. 23 and 130 Privacy Act and art. 7 GDRP) for following marketing purposes:
  2. Sending you via email, post and/or text , telephone calls, newsletter, commercial ads and/or printed advertisement about products and services provided by the Controller and disclosure of the satisfaction degree on the quality of the products;
  3. Sending you via email, post and/or text , telephone calls, newsletter, commercial ads and/or printed advertisement about third parties (for example: business partners, insurance companies) .

We inform that if you are already our customer, we may be sending you commercial communications about services and products of the Controller similar to those that you have already received previously, unless you dissent from this /art. 130 c. 4 Privacy Act).

  1. Mode of the Treatment


Your data will be treated as per the operations indicated in art. 4 Privacy Act and art. 4 no. 2) GDPR , namely: collection, registration, organization, conservation, consulting, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, block, communication, cancellation and destruction of the data. Your personal data will be subject to both to paper and to electronic or automatic treatment.

The Controller will treat personal data as long as necessary to fulfill the above mentioned purposes and in no case for longer than 10 years from the termination of the service and for no longer than 2 years from data collection for marketing purposes.

  1. Access to data


Your data may be made accessible for the purposes described at paragraphs 4.A) and 4.B):

  • To employees or collaborators of the Controller in Italy and in foreign countries, as the persons appointed to or responsible for the treatment, or as system administrators ;
  • To third companies or other subjects (indicatively: banks, practices, consultants, accountants at insurance companies for the supply of insurance services, etc.) who work as outsourcers on behalf of the Controller, as external responsible persons for the treatment.
  1. Communication of data


Without needing any explicit consent (former art. 24 comma a), b), d) Privacy Act and art. 6 cooma b) and C9 GDPR), the Controller is entitled to release Your data for the purposes reported in paragraph 4.A) to Supervisory Bodies, Judicial Authorities, to insurance companies to supply insurance services, as well as to those subjects that must be informed by law to enable the completion of said purposes. Mentioned subjects will treat data as independent controllers of the treatment.

Your data will not be released.

  1. Transfer of data


Personal data are stored at the registered office of the Controller. It is anyway understood that the Controller, if necessary, will be allowed to transfer  data elsewhere. In this case, The Controller insures that the transfer of data will occur in compliance with applicable legal provisions, after entering into the contract terms foreseen by the European Commission.

  1. Nature of the transfer of data and consequences of the decline to answer


The transfer of data for the purposes described at paragraphs 4.A) is mandatory. I, its absence, we will not be able to grant you the Services as per paragraph 4.A). On the contrary, the transfer of data for the purposes described at paragraph 4.B) is on a voluntary bases. Therefore, you can decide not to provide any data or to later deny the possibility to treat data that had already been provided: in such a case, you will not be able to receive newsletter, commercial information and advertisement material regarding the Services supplied by the Controller. You will anyway continue to use the Services as per paragraph 4.A).


  1. The Rights of the person concerned


As person concerned, You have the rights as per art 7 of the Privacy Act and art. 15 of the GDPR, and namely the right to:

  • Obtain confirmation of the existence or nonexistence of personal data concerning your person, even if not yet registered, and their notification in an intelligible way;
  • Obtain notification of: a) origin of personal data; b) purposes and modalities of the treatment; the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; the identification details of the Controller, of the persons in charge and the appointed representative in accordance with art 5. Comma 2 of the Privacy Act and art. 3, comma 1 of the GDPR; e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom personal data may be transferred or who may get to know them.
  • Obtain, as designated representative of the territory of the state, as responsible or appointee: a) the updating, the correction or, if interested, the integration of data; b) the cancellation, the entry into secrecy or the block of treated data if used against the law, included those whose keeping is not necessary for the purposes for which data had been collected or subsequently treated; c) that the statement that operations as per paragraphs a) and b) have been notified in their contents to those whom data have been supplied or transferred, except if this fulfillment is impossible or requires the use of disproportioned tools compared to the right to be defended;
  • Oppose, partly or entirely: a) the treatment of personal data concerning your person for legitimate reasons, although these may pertinent to the purpose of the collection; b) the treatment of personal data concerning your person aimed at the sending of advertisement material or at direct sales activities or at the performance of marketing researches or of commercial actions, through automatic calling systems without operator, through emails and/or through classic marketing modalities such as phone calls and / or post. It is noted that the right to object of the concerned person for direct marketing purposes through automatic tools, as described at previous comma b), is extended to  traditional marketing tools  and that, in any case, the concerned person is entitled to exercise the right of only partial opposition. Consequently, the concerned person may decide to receive information only through classic modalities, or only via automatic communications or in none of the two modalities.

If applicable, the concerned person has also got the rights according to art. 16 to 21 of the GDPR (Right of Rectification; Right to be forgotten; right to Restriction of processing; Right to data portability; right to oppose), as well as the right to complain to the Supervisory Authority.

  1. Modality to exercise rights


You will be able anytime to exercise your rights by sending:

  • A registered letter to AGRITECH SRL, registered office in Viale delle Rimembranze 7 – 25012 Calvisano (BS) Italy
  • An E-mail to for the attention of the Personal Data Treatment Responsible.
  1. Claims

To lodge a complaint about the treatment of own personal data, the customer may address to the Italian Authority responsible for data protection using following link: